The most common comment I get about having a doula is "I am high risk so I don't need a doula" or "I do not want a home birth so I don't need a doula"
Hear from my past clients on their experience with me here
I think the RIGHT FITTING doula can add to any birth. That might not always be me and my doula style. and that is ok. Remember from my post on what a doula is - no matter the risk or location of your birth we are there to support YOU and make sure YOU are taken care of in every way BESIDES MEDICALLY. Yes, doulas are for all moms! We are there to educate, advocate and support women before, during and after pregnancy.
Research has shown that doulas help mothers to have higher satisfaction in their birth outcomes. Working with a doula has also been proven to reduce the rate of interventions, such as epidurals, and C-Sections by as much as 40%.
What if I want an epidural or C-Section?
Doulas are still important! Doulas are there to support YOUR choices and the course of labor. Even with an epidural you still have choices and preferences. There is still room for supporting mom and dad.
In a surgical birth (planned or not) there are times when you or your partner are alone and maybe need someone to distract them or talk through their feelings with them.
"Doulas are important to women because their sole purpose is to provide physical, emotional, and informational support during labor and birth without doing anything medical," says Ami Burns, a childbirth educator and doula in Chicago and the founder of Birth Talk (
Check out this article from Evidence Based Birth for more info! If you have any questions or would like to see if we would good fit contact me!
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